Sunday, March 2, 2014

Serious Sunday and Other Things

   Hey people! I know I haven't wrote in a while. I have school and other stuff. Anyway, I think it'd be fun to start this blog up again. So today's topic on 'Serious Sunday' is politics. Just kidding... I know nothing about politics. I'll talk about today's generation.
   I remember when I was 8 years old and I'd laugh at the word 'pudding.' Now 8 year olds laugh at things that sound inappropriate, for example, when some says "Not right there." and their friend replies with, "That's what she said." It's annoying, and as you get older, it gets worse. I'm not all that innocent, I admit, but it's life in middle in high school. Sometimes, I hear kids say things, and their friends would chuckle and say "That sounds so wrong." but I wouldn't get it. And we all have those times where three year old says cute little things that are so wrong but so funny. Like this: (All rights go to Shay Butler, and his family)
  My point is, where have children's and teens' minds gone? The gutter? I have friends who are really inappropriate and others who don't know a single thing. I applaud that.
  This is more of a rant, but whateves, catch you tomorrow!