Sunday, March 2, 2014

Serious Sunday and Other Things

   Hey people! I know I haven't wrote in a while. I have school and other stuff. Anyway, I think it'd be fun to start this blog up again. So today's topic on 'Serious Sunday' is politics. Just kidding... I know nothing about politics. I'll talk about today's generation.
   I remember when I was 8 years old and I'd laugh at the word 'pudding.' Now 8 year olds laugh at things that sound inappropriate, for example, when some says "Not right there." and their friend replies with, "That's what she said." It's annoying, and as you get older, it gets worse. I'm not all that innocent, I admit, but it's life in middle in high school. Sometimes, I hear kids say things, and their friends would chuckle and say "That sounds so wrong." but I wouldn't get it. And we all have those times where three year old says cute little things that are so wrong but so funny. Like this: (All rights go to Shay Butler, and his family)
  My point is, where have children's and teens' minds gone? The gutter? I have friends who are really inappropriate and others who don't know a single thing. I applaud that.
  This is more of a rant, but whateves, catch you tomorrow!

Friday, June 7, 2013


I have decided - since I have school and everything - to only blog in the summertime. I will still post 7 days a week though! So, there are three moths of summer. (ish) thats 12 weeks. So you will have about 86-95 posts!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weird Wednesday:
Sorry I haven't talked in a while.. Again very busy! Anywho.. Today I'm going to talk about the end of the semester! A lot of people are excited for the end of the semester, I am too of course; but I don't want to not have my friends Lauren and Summer in my class. This semester we had woodshop together, but that can change next semester... Though, I sit with Summer everyday at lunch, it's going to be different not having her in any of my classes. Same with Lauren, but I don't have the same lunch as her... So that's pretty much it... BYE

Monday, January 21, 2013

Well Hello Again!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting anything... I have been really busy going back to school. But good news, I'm starting again today! So today is Maniac Monday so I'm going to rant about.... Internet. I hate going to people's houses and not being able to go on the internert (not toalking to you... You knew who you are) And it's sooo annoying when you have to put in the password! Yeah, it's for safty reasons, but I don't care! It should be easier to use! Dumb internet!!! Why do you have to be so complicated! Heh heh... Internet is like women, complicated!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Share the Recipie Saturday:
(This is not a recipie it's a dinner!)
Get gnocchi from trader joes (the cheese one)
Also get meatballs or chicken from tarder joes
Get swiss chard or Persian cucumbers from trader joes
Cut the Persian cucumbers and put them in bell pepper sause (If you live in Oregon you can find this a Bauman Farms)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013
Free Friday:
Bunny Rabbits. Are they bunnies? Or are they rabbits? I guess whatever you want it to be. The term bunny is cuter then rabbit though... Also, I guess little kids say bunny and older kids and adults say rabbit... I must be a kid then because I say bunny! What do YOU call them... And I think bunny is a cuter way of saying it and rabbit is more sophesticated. Sorry for the short blog... It'll be better tomorrow

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013
This Thursday:
Thursday: I really don't remember
Friday: Also don't remember
Saturday: Went out to eat
Sunday: Went out to eat... Again baked and played apples to apples
Monday: My grandma left
Tuesday: Just stayed home a relaxed
Wednesday: Cleaned the house
Thursday: Babysat two little girls with my sister and my brother...