Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, Decamber 31, 2012
Maniac Monday:
I'm going to rant about crushes. That's right the people you secretly love but you tell everyone and then they thell your crush that you love hime or her. Now the thing about this is, that can come with many good things like he or she could like you back or something like that. But if you're like me he or she won't like you back and think you're a total creep and hate your guts! Sometimes I just want a miracle to happen but we all know it's not going to happen. Then its even worse when your best friend(s) have a locker right next to his locker! Sometimes I feel like I should just say that I don't like him but inside I do. Then there;s the people who call me a stalker or say that I'm obsessed with him. First of all to be a stalker I need to know where he lives... Which I don't. Also, I need to know his schedule.... I don't and the only reason I know where his locker is is because my best friend(s) are locker nieghbors with him. I'm certinly not obsessed with him because I have ONE picture of him, and I don't dream about him, I dream about having a big family with a sweet man that I might not even know yet, andI dream about getteing good grades, and living on a farm when I grow up. In conclusion I am NEITHER a stalker or obsessed with him!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012
  Serious Sunday:
  Today I'm going to talk about Disney and Disney movies. Now you might be asking Why? That's not very serious. Well I wanna talk about how they've changed. Yesterday I watched The Lion King, and I cried! When I was four I didn't cry, I don't think I even understood. Or Shrek, that has some dry humor in it that I didn't get when I was four but I get now. Don't get me started on how Disney has changed, like the new princess "Sofia" the new princess. First, the new animation, and the new Mickey Mouse! I like the old Mickey Mouse and Mulan. Disney should go back to the older animations. I'm twelve now, but seriously DISNEY NEEDS TO GO OLD SCHOOL! In my personal opinion I will never watch the new Disney movies... REMEMBER THIS IS MY OPINION! YOU CAN TOTALLY DISAGREE AND I WILL SUPPORT THAT!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

It's recipie day!!!!!
Okay so a yummy recipie is eggless chocolate chip cookie dough, so you don't salmonella secretly eating cookie dough with eggs!  Okay so the ingredients are:
                                                                                              -1/2 cup butter
                                                                                              -3/4 cups light bron sugar
                                                                                              -1 cup all purpose flower
                                                                                              -1/2 teaspoon salt
                                                                                              -1 tablespoon vanilla extract
                                                                                              -1 cup semisweet chocolate chips                    
In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Stir in the flour, salt, vanilla and chocolate chips. Add water one tablespoon at a time (stirring between each) until the dough reaches cookie dough consistency.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012
Free Friday:
Knitting. I love to knit, but I'm not old and sometimes I feel embarassed. But now I'm going to embrace it, be proud of it, share it, and suggest it! Infact I'm knitting something for my friend for her birthday! Yeah, it's just a plain white scarf, but it will be the first one I've ever started and finished. Mostly finished I've never finished anything I've started knitting.
   Knitting in genral is interesting, just sit down in a comfortable spot, put on music that is soft (I personally like to listen to Disney music) and knit. My favorite part is watching your creation grow, watching it expand and I like the feeling that I'm getting something done in my life that I have never done before... Also, I hate the stero type that only old ladies knit... So that's pretty much all id you want to see the first three posts go to