Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012
Free Friday:
Knitting. I love to knit, but I'm not old and sometimes I feel embarassed. But now I'm going to embrace it, be proud of it, share it, and suggest it! Infact I'm knitting something for my friend for her birthday! Yeah, it's just a plain white scarf, but it will be the first one I've ever started and finished. Mostly finished I've never finished anything I've started knitting.
   Knitting in genral is interesting, just sit down in a comfortable spot, put on music that is soft (I personally like to listen to Disney music) and knit. My favorite part is watching your creation grow, watching it expand and I like the feeling that I'm getting something done in my life that I have never done before... Also, I hate the stero type that only old ladies knit... So that's pretty much all id you want to see the first three posts go to

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