Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Today the topic is cows, I love cows, they're pretty awesome, without them we wouldn't have chocolate and that is not good when girls are on their periods. I'm not on my period my sister is though... COWS! I also love cows because I love milk and cookies and ice cream, and cream cheese and just regular cheese. Milk is a part of my life! When I was 4-8 all I drank was milk. Even the oppertunity to drink soda I wanted milk. Also, cows bring meat... Which I couldn't care less because once I move out I'm going to be vegitartian. Though.. I love ribs and steak... Anywho cows are important in our world, we couldn't make yummy hot chocolate without milk. With water it seems to always get to watery and blechhh... So that's pretty much all!!!

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